Thursday 24 January 2008

All in two hours

Two days ago, I had some very interesting encounters.

We have been experiencing political upheaval and Kenyans are trying to get back to normal life as best they can. This now involves getting updated on the likelihood of and location of mass protests before one leaves the house. These protests morph into encounters between "protestors" or in my view thugs, and the GSU and can turn ugly. In the spirit of getting on with life, I set off to run a few errands all within a short distance of where I live.

A short bus ride later, well longer than most due to hideous traffic, I met this woman who proceeded in a rather dramatic manner to say, "Where are you heading to? They are coming!"
Now, usually if someone were to speak to you that way, you would find it rather intrusive. After our last few days I sked, "Where are they coming from and where are they headed?" They here refers to the groups of "protesters" mostly thugs and looters who cause chaos and mayhem in the name of opposing the election results. This is an extremely frightening and dangerous group and the aim is to avoid them and the ever present GSU (our anti-riot cops)at all costs. Sure enough, a truckload of GSU proceeded to pass us to an unknown destination. All I could think of was, oh boy, not again!

So, I cut short my trip and boarded another bus that would take a longer route but avoid the mayhem. Due to the traffic which was at this time one big parking lot, I opted to walk. A few seconds after I alighted, a speeding motorcade driving on the wrong side of the road (my side), forced motorists off the road to give way. Oh, and myself as well. This motorcade was Opposition leaders fleeing from a prayer session where some "demonstrators" began harrassing motorists. The GSU hurled teargas canisters and everyone fled for dear life. These demonstrators are the same "they" mentioned earlier.

So, in a bid to get on with business as usual and avoid the "protestors", I literally walked straight into them. I must say that all feelings of bravado vanish as one begins to ponder on how they can climb the nearest tree or flee to the nearest exit if all hell were to break loose. I returned home soon after quite dazed.

I did however meet an elderly woman, who seemingly oblivious to all that was going on around her (as opposition leaders sped past her), had proceeded to sit on the side of the road. Concerned for her safety and a little curious, I asked her if she needed any assistance. She said she was simply very tired, had walked a long way, and needed to rest before she continued her journey. She then launched into a lecture on how people of my generation do not excercise and how wealth is no substitute for good health. She also said younger people do not seek out the elderly or ignore them altogether. With these admonishments, I proceeded to challenge her to a brisk walk up the hill out of harm's way and a healthy treat, some fruits. She accepted, set off faster than I could keep up and was soon on her way.

All in two hours........

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